Crescent Trail Pilates

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What are the benefits of Pilates, anyways?

It’s been quite some time since I’ve shared on the CTP blog, and until this afternoon, I hadn’t really considered a topic to discuss. What nudged me here? A press request! I received a call from a journalist asking, “could you offer a couple ideas on how Pilates is beneficial for health?”

Could I ever. Cue the storm of thoughts! I really wanted to answer this person’s question in the spirit of Pilates as it lives in my heart and mind. Here it goes:

"I find practicing (and teaching!) Pilates to be playful and celebratory. The human body is incredibly resilient. Now more than ever, our ability to adapt to life's changes depends on our ability to 'tune in' with ourselves plainly, free from distraction and judgement. Pilates inspires curiosity and purpose, the ultimate exercise regime for "tuning in." No matter where a person is in their journey, Pilates - with its focus on building strength, control, and stability from deep within - offers a foundation for creating freedom and ease. An athlete may be drawn to Pilates and find their movements become more fluid and efficient, while someone recovering from injury may find balance, a decrease in pain, and increased mobility that better supports their day-to-day activities. The rumors are true: practicing Pilates supports fortified, supple joints and muscles, and establishes control from our "core"...but the invaluable benefit is the mind-body connection! It's timeless."

A toast to you for being timeless with me in your Pilates practice. I don’t know whether my answer will be shared in its entirety or edited down to “core strength” and “joint health.” Regardless of how it lands it print, I thought I would leave my full answer here as a vow renewal of sorts. We’re headed into the studio’s sixth year in business, and I am grateful for being here and learning with you, capturing the spirit of it all.

Photo by Jason Guerette